Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Interview Basics

not everyone can be a trained interviewer but most of us manner and conduct interviews at some point. An interview is just a conversation wherein you hope to get personal and specific information. Some basic skills are needed and some basic understanding of the process will help you get what you want.

know what you are after. Prepare for the interview ahead of time. What is it that you need to know? Why does this person have the information? Do some homework on both the person and what you are seeking.

try to manner and conduct the interview in the proper setting. Alone with no outside interference. Set up a place where it is serene and quiet, you will not be interrupted and there are as few distractions as possible.

sit facing the subject. No table or desk in between.

i like to begin with the basics. Do not go right into the interview. Get to know the subject and calibrate his or her body language. (more on that later)

i like the dale carnegie approach. Spend some time getting to know the subject and to make him or her like you. It is very hard to try and deceive someone you like.

begin by rank and learning about the subject. Talk about him or her. Learn about their work, outside interests, family etc. Just get them talking and make it about them. They more you ask about the,, the better they will like you. Show intentness and interest and rapture and enthusiasm in their answer. Ask follow up questions. It is hard to lie to someone you like.

this process also allows you to see their body language and to listen to their responses while conversing. This gives you a baseline from which to judge their responses when you begin asking questions.

i like to begin with an open question. This is one where the subject can start and stop any place he or she wants. You will get an overview and get to observe them. ” please tell me about. . . ” or “please tell me what you know about. . . “

once this is done you may ask personal and specific questions to get at the information you need. Keep them short and do not ask multiple questions in one sentence. Give the subject time to answer. Watch and listen. Do not takes notes unless it is very important. You want to focus and concentrate on hearing and understanding their responses.

if you think they are non receptive and responsive or holding back just wait a minute. Do not ask a follow up question just yet. Show intentness and interest and remain serene and quiet, letting them think you are just waiting for them to continue. People, especially those who are holding back, do not like repress and silence. They will begin talking to fill the void.

listen carefully so you do not miss anything. Listen and observe. Is the body language saying the same thing as the words. This is where you compare the body language to that when you were getting to know them and putting them at ease. Body language is too broad a subject to cover here. There will be more in another article. Become intimate and familiar with common signs of deception and remember it is easy to jumble and confuse nerves with deception when reading body language.

this is why calibrating the person’s body language in the nucleus and beginning is so important.


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