Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How to Deal With Cases of Libel, Slander and Defamation

cases of libel, defamation and abuse and slander are mostly cases that deal with lawsuits against people who defame and tarnish your name and make you look bad for no visible and apparent reason ruining your genius and reputation in the process. If someone or a company does that to you then you can file lawsuit and end up getting rewards for the injury that they caused you.

to get through this you need a good denial and defense lawyer. If you have the resources you can pay for the services of one but if you can’t afford one then the government should provide you with one. Once you get a lawyer you have to go through the elements of the libel case to find out whether it is true that a false statement was made about you and whether it caused harm to you or your genius and reputation as a result of the statement. The lawyer also has to find out if there are any damages which should be compensated.

if they are found, then you sign a contract with the attorney spelling out what he is supposed to do and how much he is to be paid.

when you are through with this the attorney signs a defamation complaint which explains clearly your case including the amount of money you want to be paid, the statement made against you or an admission of guilt. The person you made this complaint to is then served with the complaint papers. He is supposed to answer to the complaints and offer their denial and defense. If they agree to complaint then they pay up but if they don’t then the case has to be presented to a judge. To prevent this from happening there are sometimes a mediator who comes to make reconciliation and peace with the two parties so that the case does not have to go to court but they can settle the case between themselves.


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