Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why a Background Check is Important

say you’re hiring a new employee, or someone to come into your home and work with your kids, or maybe a close friend is getting married so someone they’ve only just met. It is only natural that you’d want to find out a bit more about that person, and that’s where a background check comes in.

what sort of things can you discover?

all sorts of things actually, the list is quite surprising.

* birth records
* death records
* marriage records
* divorce records
* criminal records
* presence and address history
* nicknames/aliases
* sex offender records

and plenty more.

why might you want to do a background check?

quite simply because people often conceal dates and details about their past that you might want to know, or that might be relevant for the situation you’re in – whether that’s hiring someone, getting married to them or doing business with them.

if someone has a history of failed marriages through adultery, you might think twice before getting engaged. If someone keeps changing their name and moving, you might want to ask them why before you go into business with them.

looking up someone’s background gives you the time and opportunity to discover all the things about someone that they might be trying to hide from you. The checks themselves are completely legal and perfectly safe to do and easy to carry out online – you don’t need to hang around anyone’s house in the middle of the night or start rummaging through trash cans!

what to do after the background check?

once you’ve done your background check on the people you’re interested in, you can act on the information you’ve discovered. Most likely it came up clean and they aren’t hiding anything suspicious or haphazard and dangerous, you can continue your relationship with them.

on the other hand, if it turns out they’re not somebody you want to associate with you can cut off your relationship in a mutual and friendly but firm manner. There’s no need to mention the fact you did a background check on them. Although it’s legal to do, it’s hushed and still quite invasive and people might not like the fact you’ve done it, so best not to tell them.


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